" Tian Tian " is the name for the famous restaurant of chicken rice.
It located inside of Maxwell food court, which isn't hard to find.
Just follow crowd after out of Tanjong Pagar (EW15) station of MRT.
And u can take a walk around Chinatown after abundant traditional Sinagporean cuisine.
People come to Tian Tian for Chicken rice as what we known as Hainanese Steamed Chicken.
We ordered Chicken Rice (S/SIN$3,L/SIN$3.5) with extra Chicken Drumstick(SIN$3.5)
[Whole chicken/SIN$24, Half chicken/SIN$12, Wing/SIN1.6]
[Spare parts/SIN3, Drumstick Rice/SIN$4.2]
There're bunch of people seem office worker quene up in front of shop during lunch time,
and family will order whole or half chicken go with rice.
Hey, chick what I got - advertisement from Chief Anthony Bourdain
" Chicken rice is so fragrant & delicious that it can be eaten on its own"
Let's try this dish which got so high reputation from famous chief, see if it's that good.
Ok that's no doubt I can persume that chicken gona be very tender by its appearance,
and it's been proved by my mouth this is real so tender and full of juice with every bite.
Where u can find "Maxwell Food Court"
"天天" 是家遠近馳名 新加坡海南雞飯的店名
想品嚐道地的好味道不難 只要坐捷運到 Tanjong Pagar (EW15) 下車
步行大約10分鐘內就可以找到的 Maxwell food court 裏 (麥斯威爾美食街)
既然說是美食街 除了海南雞飯 裏面還有更多當地餐點、甜點和飲料攤
我們點了一份小的海南雞飯 (SIN$3) 加外一份嫩雞腿 (SIN$3.5)
[全雞/SIN$24, 半雞/SIN$12, 雞翅/SIN1.6, 內臟/SIN3, 嫩雞腿飯/SIN$4.2]
而我的嘴巴也證實它確切非常的鮮嫩多汁 佐以淡淡醬汁和小黃瓜
午餐時分 當然可以看到許多身著西裝套裝的上班族來享用雞飯
嘿 看我發現什麼~ 原來大廚波登也有照訪過並留下美味的保證
" 雞飯就算淨吃飯也可以 "